1) I'm stubborn but also try to listen to other people's opinions, so feel free to comment!
2) I think of myself as a fit person. I generally watch what I eat and take Pilates classes when I can fit it in my schedule as far as school is concerned.
3) I'm super-excited about getting a dog! I am getting a Black Mouth Cur puppy here in the next week and a half, so we'll see how that goes. Her name is Ava and she is about 9 weeks and just adorable!!
4)I am a natural girl and my hands are constantly in my hair lol I went natural January 25, 2010 and I love trying out new things with my hair. It's funny, if your would have told me 2 years ago I'd be wearing twists, bantu knots, and other natural staples, I'd have been like, "yeah, ok." I always thought of myself as a confident person even when I was relaxed, but I think being natural has definitely forced even more confidence out of me. I'm not a Nazi and don't believe going natural is for everyone. DO YO' THANG!! not mine, or anyone else's! lol
5) I've become quite a moody person over the last two years I think. When I was younger, about 5 with chipmunk cheeks and ashy knees, my mom said she thought I was going to be in drama or theater because of my overt friendliness. While I still think I'm generally a friendly person, I tend to observe more now before I "leap" into any friendship. I can't stand messy people and drama and have been burned by both...kinda makes people get misconceptions about me firsthands. I LOVE the people that I am friends with at school now, but when I first met everyone, they thought I was one of "those black girls"...ya know, the kind that is soo freakin intent on NOT being a stereotype that she only associates with white people and won't associate with black people??! lol I also got "stuckup," "bouji" (?sp), and "quiet." No, I will not eagerly jump into a friendship or relationship of any kind without observing how people interact with others; it's like jumping into a dark pond headfirst and finding out too late it's only 3 feet deep...DANGEROUS!! I like to get an idea of WHO people are before I find myself in too deep and finding out the association is incompatible...ok , that's enough of my soapbox.
6) oh, one last thing! my nephew is adorable!! look at that face!
Well, I'm kinda tired and running out of things to say so I guess I'll just log off :) until next time...
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